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This stupid war is getting older than Reba McEntire... Here is a plan to end it already, quickly and painlessly -- for us, anyway.

Be careful about those overseas dopplegangers. Don't mistake this for a Biden endorsement.

Just throw away the key. He sets such a bad example by hiring Iraqi mercenaries. His stupid followers think cooking the books and hiring Iraqi mercenaries is a good idea?

Apparently, the USA has it's own reasons for getting involved in disputes with Iran. Strategically, it makes sense to ally with Israel:

Like it or not, I'm in the middle of this international situation, and as a citizen of The USA, I felt it to be my personal responsibility to attempt to address and resolve any hostilities which may have developed between my country and Brazil as a result of my visit. Please, someone send this to Brazilians.

Someone, send this to the Sultan of Turkey, please.

Come back later please.

Stop being squeamish, please. They took over England, and now they are after us. It's revenge to them. They hate us. Don't take their bribes. Download here, or stream below:

WWIII in a nutshell (part 2) -- the diversity and big money from Hollywood to Silicon Valley has been spouting out their own propaganda which jeopardizes global alliances. Manufacturing their own illusory reality is contrary to not only the agenda of our allies but to the agenda of our enemies. Download my firsthand account (part 2)

Or, stream here:

WWIII in a nutshell -- my firsthand account

Or, stream here:

Here's my Bob Iger impersonation (by the way, I usually like Marvel movies, but that one wasn't very good):

Maybe you played some mafia video game or saw a movie... That is called propaganda... The truth is that the mafia is not your friend.

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