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Here's something I learned from working in finance years ago...

Here is a civilized way to fight back against communism, tyranny, and oligarchy.

I wound up getting a little more famous than I ever intended, so I have to take my story updates a little more seriously.

I think people think Facebook is a bigger part of the economy than it actually is. A handful of stocks whose companies you've never heard of are the problem, while the rest of the market is tanking for no reason whatsoever.

Don't try to outgame the market as a whole...You're too emotional.

Guess what time it is? It's time to shitcan the moonlighters.

*Sniff, sniff* What's that smell? Is that weakness?

Oh no, Meta... Where did all of these class action lawsuits come from?

I'll keep shorting Intuit, Inc., until it all comes crashing down.

Good grief! $800 for a glorified TV tray? I hope we don't have to start wheelbarrowing quarters to get a bunch of bananas pretty soon:

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The market seems a little more uncertain than usual... What do you do with your money?

How long does it take to bring new technology to market? The answer is -- it depends:

Pretrial against Meta, Inc, et al:

1/19/24 -- Scandal at Blackrock!

Here's the 411 on SAN:

Full disclosure -- I hold a couple of different long positions on SAN, as of 1/3/23.

Short positions on Intuit, Inc and SRS/REK (short real estate ETFs)

Why I shorted Tesla:

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